
The Twital instruction for Twig’s if tag is the``t:if`` attribute.

<p t:if="online == false">
    Our website is in maintenance mode. Please, come back later.

elseif and else are not well supported, but you can always combine Twital with Twig.

<p t:if="online_users > 0">
    {%if online_users == 1%}
        one user
    {% else %}
        {{online_users}} users
    {% endif %}

But if you are really interested to use elseif and else tags with Twital you can do it anyway.

<p t:if="online">
    I'm online
<p t:elseif="invisible">
    I'm invisible
<p t:else="">
    I'm offline

This syntax will work if there are no non-space charachters between the p tags.

This example will not work:

<p t:if="online">
    I'm online
<hr />
<p t:else="">
    I'm offline

<p t:if="online">
    I'm online
some text...
<p t:else="">
    I'm offline


To learn more about the Twig if tag, please refer to Twig official documentation.